Monday, April 25, 2011

21st April 2011

Finally rain...
The tired eyes,
Burning from the heat,
Blink in a perfect pleat.
Roads,parched by the vapid summer,
Soaked,drenched,washed;now shimmering in black,
Show in an evening;wet cozy,romantic,lazy.......
Wherever are you my friend,if not with somebody?
At least a book,a movie or a long-forgotten memory?

7th april 2011

Not much rain to speak of,
But what great weather!
Not much storm to be seen,
But a breeze as light as feather.
Wake up my friend,
For these moments are rare,
Its spring time come late
And it has not much more time to spare

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

For once

For once,
lets give life a chance,
How about giving the future a  glance?
Is it so bad,
That it is not worth looking at,
Is it so far gone,
That it cannot be changed back?
When has man travelled beyond  time!
How did he,
who cant even record the present,
Find talent to see the future,
And decide its all futile,and decadent!
forgetting excuses of not wanting to die,
For once  start finding reasons to  live
For the next moment which will  change our life.
The moment we decide that we will survive..
We are not dumb animals,
held by a tight rope,
This is our world,
And we are its last hope,
Its time to claim our due,
Life is calling
Where are you...

Monday, February 7, 2011

the centurian

Have you ever wondered ?
By the time you have counted hundred,
your eyelids have drooped down,
your face has lost it's frown
your sorrows have fallen short,
your seething anger-- long lost.
your life gets a second breath
and your tension has died its death.

Have you ever wondered..
When you have reached hundred?
That life will seem unending,
the world will seem so old
The people will look so familiar,
There will be nothing new to behold.
Your anger will be so tired,
your heart will be so wired,
That you wont know its you, who is breathing,
That its your own heart that is beating.
Life will have no attractions.
Death will play hide and seek,
Love will be beyond memories
Happiness a mere treat...

Have you ever wondered
If you don't reach a hundred?
That there is so little time to be happy,
And you are spending it in tears,
There is so much to explore in life,
You don't have so many years,
You have loved less and hated more,
You have healed less and made others sore,
That you deserve to be happy
And there is so little time
And until everybody else is in joy,
Your Lifesong will never rhyme.

How many hearts you leave sundered,
Have you ever wondered!